Subject: Changing sizes and ngen in newsyslog.conf
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-misc
Date: 10/07/2003 11:05:30
	Currently newsyslog.conf is:

# logfilename           [owner:group]   mode ngen size when flags
/var/log/aculog         uucp:dialer     640  7    *    24   Z
/var/log/authlog                        600  5    30   *    Z
/var/log/cron           root:wheel      600  3    10   *    Z
/var/log/kerberos.log                   640  7    *    24   ZN
/var/log/lpd-errs                       640  7    10   *    Z
/var/log/maillog                        600  7    *    24   Z
/var/log/messages                       644  5    30   *    Z
/var/log/wtmp                           644  7    *    168  ZBN
/var/log/wtmpx                          644  7    *    168  ZBN
/var/log/xferlog                        640  7    250  *    Z

	Five previous versions of /var/log/messages at 30K (before
	compression) do not run back very far on some machines.
	Would anyone have any objections if I changed the default to
	7 & 250K (as used by xferlog).

	I'd also like to increase authlog, cron and lpd-errs to 100K
	(Which matched FreeBSD).

	Any comments/thoughts/screams?

			   David Brownlee --