Subject: Re: Login classes
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-misc
Date: 06/14/2000 15:21:57
>BSD Authentication is the BSD/OS authentication system.  Basically, it's
>a login.conf extension that lets you specify authentication methods per
>login class.  You then have programs with names like
>"/usr/libexec/login_passwd" which handle authentication.  "login_passwd"
>is the "traditional" Unix password scheme.  There's also "login_krb_or_pwd",
>which tries to do either Kerberos or regular passwords.  So, on my NetBSD
>box, if I have Kerberos running, I do

does this mean that i have to have separate login programs for each
combination of authentication methods i have available to me?  with
passwd, kerb4, kerb5, s/key, otp-md4, otp-md5, otp-sha1, securid, and
ssh ( does ssh work itself into this?), that would be 255

at least...that's the impression i got the last time i looked at the
bsdi stuff.

(have i asked this before?  this seems so familiar...)

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