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Re: VirtIO MMIO for amd64

Hey Reinoud, sorry I totally missed that email...

On 11/13/24 22:31, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
Impressive! I haven't tried out your tiny minimal NetBSD VM piece yet but this
is great too. Have you tried out the pkgsrc's `dmassage' utility with the
small kernels dmesg to strip down the kernel too so it doesn't even try to
attach stuff that won't be present anyway?

I didn't! I didn't even know such tool existed, FWIW when I did my
first experiments, I came up with something in the same spirit:

which gave birth to another tool written by Denis Bodor:

But in any case, the kernels I use for this project are already
stripped down:


Emile `iMil' Heitor <imil@{,}> |

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