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Re: i915drm broken in 9.1?

>> At work, we just tried to build a 9.1 kernel with the i915drm line
>> uncommented (we also left i915drmkms uncommented).  The kernel build
>> exploded badly - it looks to me as though some file is expecting u8
>> to be typedeffed but doesn't bother making sure it is.
> Pre-KMS DRM (like i915drm) and DRM/KMS (like i915drmkms) are
> definitely not expected to coexist in the same kernel.

Would the presence of i915drmkms cause i915drm to fail to _compile_?

> [i915drm] might work if you're lucky, once you disable all the
> DRM/KMS drivers, but it has undoubtedly bitrotted.

> What's your motivation for using the i915drm driver?

An issue trying to make the product work on a particular monitor.  I'm
relatively peripheral to that project; they appear to be Easter egging,
trying various things in the hope that one of them will work.  The
reason i915 support is a suspect is the boot-time message from
i915_firmware_load_error_print about CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE or "your
initrd/initramfs image" (which really sounds to me like a Linuxism that
never got fixed when it was imported to NetBSD - the code is also full
of -ENOENT and -ENOMEM and the like, also a Linux signature).

Unfortunately the issue manifests for only one customer, on the far
side of the planet, so the change-test-debug cycle time is on the order
of days.  And the monitor that provokes the issue is expen$ive enough
that getting another one for testing is prohibitive.

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