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Re: GPT attributes in dkwedge [PATCH]

    Date:        Fri, 15 Sep 2023 15:15:10 +0000
    From:        Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
    Message-ID:  <ZQR0/>

  | Ths user took care of setting bootme so that botstrap finds 
  | the kernel, and we should disregard this explicit setting
  | when mounting root? 

I agree with others, where you boot from has absolutely nothing to
do with what is the root partition (except by coincidence).   Nothing
except the boot code should ever look at bootme flags (nor bootonce,
which we don't support yet I think, or whatever the other related one
is that we also don't support).   All of that is for finding and loading
/boot (under whatever name the boot code in question finds it).   The
bootme flag on my systems is on the EFI partition, never anywhere else.

What happens after that needs to be handled some other way.


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