tech-kern by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Fri Mar 28 23:38:21 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Notes about booting/debugging NetBSD on an OVH bar,
- Devices without power management support,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- Debugging/fixing a kernel stalled not crashing,
- Adding ESRT and EFI vars support for fwupd,
Paweł Cichowski
- pin-configurable skip of gpio_resume(),
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- mount root hooks for non-disk-device devices,
Simon Burge
- fan control,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- virtio(4) bus_dmamap_sync audit,
Taylor R Campbell
- mfii(4) and Dell PERC,
Edgar Fuß
- Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-out,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Jaromír Doleček
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Martin Husemann
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Greg Troxel
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Martin Husemann
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Greg Troxel
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
David Holland
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Valery Ushakov
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Module autounload proposal: opt-in, not opt-ou,
Paul Goyette
- dtrace sdt probes in modules,
Taylor R Campbell
- userconf question,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- Virtio Viocon driver - possible to backport from O,
Matthias Petermann
- Hello,,
Matthias Petermann
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