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Re: Passive serialization support in the pool allocator

I'm no expert here, but I did review.


On Tue, 21 Dec 2021, Jason Thorpe wrote:

An #ifdef that Taylor added in the new DRM code was bugging me,
because a similar situation already existed in the NetBSD kernel,
whereby the type stability of a object's backing memory (the iam
existentium case being LWPs) was required for a passively-serialized
weak reference to work.  The LWP pool cache had a hack to handle it,
and the hack was propagated to the new DRM code under an #ifdef

I initially fixed this by adding a pre-destruct callback that could be
optionally set for a pool cache, but after further discussion, it
seemed like having direct knowledge of passive serialization
synchronization points in the allocator was a better solution, so here
is a diff that implements it for you review.

Please comment ASAP, because I want to ride a kernel version bump.

Yeah, we're getting rather close to 9.99.MAX   :)

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