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Re: how to debug suspend/resume crash

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 08:39:37AM +0000, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> I found three problems:

And I found some workarounds.

On resume, the machine is not crashed. It just has screen brightness 
set to 0 and the keyboard is unresponsive.

I can recover the keyboard using:
drvctl -d uhidev0; drvctl -a usbdevif -r uhub1

I can recover the screen using:
xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 1

Then I just need a wsconscfg -s 5 to switch back to X Window.

My sleep/resume script is therefore like this:
drvctl -d ihidev0
drvctl -d ihidev1
sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.state=3
drvctl -d uhidev0; drvctl -a usbdevif -r uhub1
xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 1
wsconscfg -s 5

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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