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Re: Issues with intelfb(4) and USB keyboards

On Tue, 22 Dec 2020, Mouse wrote:

There's a work machine which according to RandR has seven outputs: DP1,
DP2, DP3, HDMI1, HDMI2, HDMI3, and VIRTUAL1.  VIRTUAL1 is, I believe,
well, virtual.  But, in terms of the connectors actually present on the
case, there are two HDMI and one VGA.  When the VGA is connected, one
of the DPx outputs shows connected (I forget offhand which one).

I don't _know_ that DP stands for DisplayPort, but it seems likely.

So perhaps VGA looks like DP to software often enough....?
On my Asus X202E laptop everything is correctly identified except for a
non-existent DP1 output. It has only 3 physical outputs: LVDS, VGA, HDMI.


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