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Re: Proposal, again: Disable autoload of compat_xyz modules

On 26.09.2019 19:13, Maxime Villard wrote:
> I think you are confused.
> Fuzzing does not act as a perfusion to keep something artificially alive.
> Part of the compat_linux bugs and vulns I fixed recently were found with a
> simple fuzzing VM I set up. Yet, does it really change anything? My
> proposal
> is unchanged. The attack surface is huge, I've been able to exercise only a
> subset of the syscalls. Now big pullups need to be done, and no one is
> willing
> to do them. The scanner bot also has found bugs that couldn't be found with
> fuzzers.
> Disabling certain compat options preserves the functionality, significantly
> reduces the attack surface, and eases maintenance as well. At least the
> bugs
> do not qualify as critical vulnerabilities if the feature is disabled.
> Fuzzing does not reduce the attack surface, and does not constitute "active
> maintenance" either (like pulling up, writing advisories, etc...).

As I have proposed. MUSL+LTP for catching functional regressions/bugs
AND fuzzing to catch crashes can be good enough to keep it trusted. The
kernel certainly needs a lot of bug fixes, but instead of disabling this
crucial feature it is better to find a way to make it more trusted.

But this is a non-trivial amount of work an likely won't be done without
a stimulation. I'm fine to switch sysctl to enable it on boot.

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