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Re: Support for tv_sec=-1 (one second before the epoch) timestamps? (Kamil Rytarowski) writes:

>I disagree, this used to be a flaw in C/POSIX interface to keep one
>specific point of time invalid. It should be fixed similarly to other OSe=

negative time_t values don't specify a point in time. The talk about
"one specific point of time invalid" is nonsense.

>Maintaining signed (negative) time_t is another and more generic topic.
>In real life it's often needed to store time_t pointing before the UNIX

time_t is signed so that it can also be used to store time differences. There
the value -1 is not invalid. It is also necessary that absolute time_t values
(== point in time) are non-negative to avoid overflows when calculating a

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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