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Re: device-major question

There are two points which need to be clarified.

1) The conf/majors files contains the following comment:
	# Majors 160-255 are used for the MI drivers.
   This "255" has to be changed, because the file is
   already using 332.

   What is the new limit for MI drivers?  1023?

2) I think the majors.{ws,usb,std,tty,storage} files are only used
   for the device drivers which were made before the sys/conf/majors
   file was introduced.  And new MI devices should go to sys/conf/majors
   instead of majors.{ws,usb,std,tty,storage} even if the device
   is a ws/usb/std/tty/storage device.

   Is this right?

   If so, How about changing the following comments in sys/conf/majors
	# 210-219 reserved for MI ws devices
	# 220-239 reserved for MI usb devices
	# 240-259 reserved for MI "std" devices
	# 260-269 reserved for MI tty devices
	# 310-339 reserved for MI storage devices
	# 210-219 reserved for old MI ws devices
	# 220-239 reserved for old MI usb devices
	# 240-259 reserved for old MI "std" devices
	# 260-269 reserved for old MI tty devices
	# 310-339 reserved for old MI storage devices
	# NOTE: new MI devices should go to this file instead of above

I added Matt to the "To:" field, because he made the majors.* files.

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