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Re: pserialize(9) vs. TAILQ

   Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:49:34 +0900
   From: Masao Uebayashi <>

   You are right that "key" has to be volatile.  But otherwise, you are
   making things too complex, or too generic, which is not what I'm
   expecting as a TAILQ-specialized-for-pserialize(9).

No, volatile is unrelated to multiprocessor memory ordering issues.
It doesn't prevent the CPU from reordering loads from RAM.  It only
forces the C compiler to compile

	x = e->key;

into code that instructs the CPU to read e->key twice.

The CPU may nevertheless reorder loads from RAM, or read it from its
cache instead of loading from RAM.  That is, when the CPU executes the

	movq 16(%rax),%rbx	; x = e->key
	movq 16(%rax),%rdi	; arg0 = e->key
	callq f


(a) the CPU may load from RAM first into %rdi and next into %rbx, or

(b) the CPU may load once from RAM at %rax + 16 into its cache and
then execute both movq instructions from the cache, or

(c) the CPU may already have %rax + 16 cached and may not issue any
load requests to RAM at all.

In the case of pserialized queues,

	for (e = eq; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
		if (e->key == 12345)

the x86 code will look something more like this:

	movq eq(%rip),%rax	; Load eq into %rax (e).
	testq %rax,%rax		; Test for null.
	je out			; Branch if null.
	movq 8(%rax),%rdi	; Load e->key into %rdi.

The CPU may have a cached value for the location %rax + 8 in RAM.  In
that case, even if it executes the instructions in order, and even if
it issues a load request to RAM for eq, it may not issue a new load
request to RAM for %rax + 8 because it already happens to have that
location cached[*].

Volatile does not help here: the C compiler generated instructions in
the right order.  It's the CPU that requires a memory barrier to
guarantee that it won't issue loads to RAM out of the order we need:

	for (e = eq; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
		if (e->key == 12345)

	movq eq(%rip),%rax	; Load eq into %rax (e).
	testq %rax,%rax		; Test for null.
	je out			; Branch if null.
	lfence			; Force CPU to load e->key from RAM.
	movq 8(%rax),%rdi	; Load e->key into %rdi.

[*] The x86 architecture happens to guarantee that if whoever inserted
the entry issues a store barrier (membar_producer) after initializing
e->key and before setting eq = e, this situation won't happen.  But
that is not guaranteed on every architecture, and if the code had a
control-dependent load instead of a data-dependent load, say

	int ok[128];
	int value[128];

	for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		if (ok[i])
			return value[i];

then membar_consumer/lfence between ok[i] and value[i] would be
necessary on x86 in practice -- even if we qualified ok and value with

   It is users' choice whether using fast-changing values as a key or
   not, but if you decide to change values visible by pserialize(9)
   readers, you'll end up with ensuring memory order.

As I said, this is not about changing e->key while e is in the queue.
It is about making sure readers read the correct value of e->key after
a writer puts e in the queue the first time.

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