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Re: MI linker script

On Nov 9, 10:35am, Masao Uebayashi wrote:
} On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 5:07 AM, John Nemeth <> wrote:
} > On Nov 9,  1:25am, Masao Uebayashi wrote:
} > } On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Christos Zoulas <> wrote:
} > } > depending on ld -r to work properly
} > }
} > } I know none of you trust me, but you don't trust ld -r?
} >
} >      It has nothing to do with trust.  It's more like wanting to
} > know what the heck is going on.  Normally major work like this
} > would start with a discussion or at least an announcement of the
} > plan.  Instead all that happened is suddenly we see a major overhaul
} > of a critical item with no clue as to why.
} >
} >      So, what is the plan?  Why are you doing this?  What are your
} > goals (i.e. what is the expected end result)?  What are you doing
} > with modules?
} Something like this:
} In short: making kernel build better by sharing *.o

     The question wasn't simply about "ld -r" stuff.  It was about
the entire program of config(1) changes, linking changes, module(9)
changes, etc.  There's an awful lot of stuff happening to major
parts of the system without any discussion.

}-- End of excerpt from Masao Uebayashi

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