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Re: Quota on tmpfs

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 08:53:19PM +0200, Francois Tigeot wrote:
 > > > How do I enable new quota on a tmpfs?
 > > 
 > > You don't; tmpfs doesn't support quotas. It could nowadays, but
 > > someone has to do the coding :(
 > How is the new NetBSD 6 quota system implemented ? I thought it was
 > in the VFS layer but apparently it's still filesystem-specific.

It has to be, because the quota state has to, you know, be stored

 > Disclaimer: I have implemented a different quota subsystem in DragonFly,
 > and it's completely filesystem-independent.
 > Cf:

 : This code is still a bit rough; both limits and disk usage counters
 : are reset to zero on every reboot.

Yes, well, there's the problem. Ok for tmpfs, not so much for
persistent media.

David A. Holland

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