On Sun, 12 Feb 2012, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
David Holland <dholland-tech%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:At least one of the things you've forgotten right up front is that if a filesystem server process tips over, the first thing you need to do is run fsck... and be prepared to cope with fsck failing.I was thinking about it in the context of glusterfs, where obviously you will not need an fsck
Surely most of these 'filesystems' aren't ffs-like (e.g. wikipediafs), so fsck isn't really relevant. A potential use case for respawn would be a cheap fix for netbsd-iscsi-initiator not doing reconnects when the connection to the target is interrupted. However, this wouldn't fix the problem that one tends to netbsd-iscsi-initiator in conjunction with vnd(4) which copes _really_ badly with the backing file going away. Or would the proposed active vnode recycling sort this?
-- Stephen