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Re: Dates in boot loaders on !x86

On 01/18/11 16:03, Julio Merino wrote:
On 1/18/11 2:40 PM, der Mouse wrote:
The point is that it is a non-changing, human readable identifier of
the source tree that hopefully changes often enough to be able to
tell two versions apart.
I care about bootloader timestamps when I'm hacking bootloader code
Uh, yes, of course. How many people hack bootloader code on a daily
basis? How many people will benefit from repeatable builds on a daily

If that's the only use case, having an option to enable timestamps is
enough: enable it *while you are hacking* but leave it off for the
benefit of the rest of the world.
Just a curious question here. What problem are we trying to solve?
What is the benefit for the rest of the world to not have the information? Just being curious...

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