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Re: mutexes, locks and so on...

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 11:09:20AM +0000, Andrew Doran wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 05:22:03PM +0100, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> > The mutex implementation in place now, is nice in many ways, as it
> > is rather open to different implementations based on what the
> > hardware can do. However, I found that only one platform (hppa) is
> > currently using this. All others rely on the __HAVE_SIMPLE_MUTEXES
> > implementation, which utilize a CAS function. Obviously the VAX does
> > not have a CAS, and it is rather costly to simulate it, so I'm
> > working on getting away from this. (Does really all other platforms
> > have a CAS?)
> What

Sorry, got started there ^^ and decided not to finish!

> > With mutex_spin, you instead store the original spl at the first
> > mutex_spin_enter, and later calls to mutex_spin_enter can only
> > possibly raise the ipl further. At mutex_spin_exit, we do not lower
> > the spl again, until the final mutex_spin_exit, which resets the spl
> > to the value as before any mutex was held.
> > The cause a slightly different behaviour, as the spl will continue
> > to possibly be very high, even though you are only holding a low ipl
> > mutex. While it obviously don't cause a system to fail, it can
> > introduce delays which might not be neccesary, and could in theory
> > cause interrupts to be dropped that needn't be.
> > 
> > Is this a conscious design? Do we not expect/enforce mutexes to be
> > released in the reverse order they were acquired?
> It was a concious decision.  I did some profiling on SPL usage
> during the newlock2 cycle.  We can nest SPLs like this, but it happens
> infrequently enough that it doesn't matter.  There are a number of factors
> that mitigate it anyway.  First, if nesting happens in an interrupt,
> the original SPL will be restored on EOI.  Second, there are no spin mutexes
> at soft level (IPL_SOFT*) - all that synchronization is handled by adaptive
> mutexes.  Third, the number of priority levels was collapsed and made into
> a hierarchy. We didn't need all the hard levels.  So the most complicated
> things get on that front is you have IPL_VM, IPL_SCHED and IPL_HIGH to worry
> about.  On many ports these map to two or even just one real IPL at the
> hardware level.  Fourthly, where we would go for a two level ISR
> (soft+hard) this would now usually be handled with an adaptive mutex
> at the soft level, or some clever mechanism like a queue. 
> The IPL is rased and lowered a whole lot less than it used to be.
> > Moving on to locks:
> > the simple lock defined in lock.h is easy enough, and I haven't
> > found any problems with it. The rwlock, however, is written with the
> > explicit assumption that there is a CAS function. It would be great
> > if that code were a little more like the mutex code, so that
> > alternative implementations could be done for architectures where
> > you'd like to do it in other ways. Is the reason for this not being
> > the case just an oversight, a lack of time and resources, or is
> > there some underlying reason why this could not be done?
> It was deliberate.  rwlocks are only effective in situations where the
> codepath is heavyweight.  So I felt while it is worthwhile optimising them
> if possible, an all out jihad is just not warranted (as it might be for
> mutexes).  So I made the decision to make them rely on CAS so that the
> implementation is transparent, easier to prove and maintain etc.
> > Also, there are a few places in the code in the kernel, where
> > atomic_cas is called explicitly. Wouldn't it be better if such code
> > were abstracted out, so we didn't depend on specific cpu
> > instructions in the MI code?
> It is difficult to say without a good example. :-)
> But I can say that the system is now most definitely designed for a world
> where CAS is available.  These days that means even embedded hardware.
> That too was a concious decision, i.e. while it's nice that we run on the
> vax and m68k etc, lets design for today/tomorrow (CAS, 64-bit etc) and bring
> the others along for the ride unless somehow impossible.

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