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Re: Dropping mb_map (Joerg Sonnenberger) writes:

>Hi all,
>attached is a patch to rework the mbuf cluster limit.

>If NMBCLUSTERS is set, it is placing another limit. i386 and ARM get an
>additional limit of 64MB in clusters, due to the small KVA size.

64MB is still larger than before, isn't it?

>Third, it uses 1/16 of the physical memory in clusters or 1024 as
>default value. If NMBCLUSTERS is set, it is used directly. The default
>value should be as large as the old default for most sane systems.

What are the insane systems?


Great thing. It will be interesting to see what hidden memory problems
in the kernel map will show up now :)

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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