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Re: /rescue/init for alternative (Re: CVScommit:src/share/man/man8) wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 06:36:28PM +0200, Alan Barrett wrote:
> >   * if no usable init program can be found, set the RB_ASKNAME
> >     flag and prompt for the init path;
> That means a system with access to console, but without the ability to
> intercept the boot loader now is interactive is the normal inits are
> hosed somehow? Not sure I like that.

In that case, the old behavior is boot and panic, and no way to specify
alternative init unless you can set RB_ASKNAME on bootloader.
Do you like it than newer one?

Note all initpaths[] are still checked before the prompt.
Izumi Tsutsui

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