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Re: /rescue/init for alternative (Re: CVS commit:src/share/man/man8)

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
> How about this change (taken from kern_subr.c:setroot())?

This looks useful.  As far as I can tell, you are doing two things:

  * if no usable init program can be found, set the RB_ASKNAME
    flag and prompt for the init path;

  * when prompting for the init path, support the special strings
    "halt", "reboot", and "ddb".

At present, the RB_ASKNAME prompt for the filesystem type supports the
special halt/reboot/ddb strings, but the prompts for the root device and
dump device do not.  Should that also be changed?  Perhaps the code to
parse the halt/reboot/ddb strings can be abstracted into a function.

I can't find documentation for the current way the kernel looks for init
(the string "oinit" does not apear in any man page).  Perhaps it should
be added to boot(8)?

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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