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Re: Status of revivesa

On Sep,Sunday 28 2008, at 10:45 AM, Izumi Tsutsui wrote: wrote:

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 04:43:12PM +1000, matthew green wrote:
  Note: AFAIK we have no panics or DOS regressions in the SA code  
  to 4.X. As such, we could merge revivesa and continue debugging  
on HEAD.
  I've forgotten the specifics of the release plan we had in mind,  
but we
  coudl do this in order to un-block 6.0 feature work.

i think we should do this.
I guess Andrew's concern is that the compat SA code
(for compatibility only for unupgradable
is so large and too complex that it could still block
future SMP work for 6.0 and further.
It's fair enough if he wouldn't like to maintain it.

I wonder if we could merge reviesa only into netbsd-5,
or remove it from the HEAD again before 6.0 or so,
as we have removed 80386 support for SMP improvements.
We have already had "Features to be removed in a later release"
section in the INSTALL notes.
This seems to me as a good plan. If we want to be sure that all
our supported releases can run in chrooted environment we will
have to wait with removing of SA code until 7.0 branch.



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