Subject: Re: CFLAGS
To: Alan Barrett <>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/12/2007 11:18:56
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On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 11:39:14AM +0200, Alan Barrett wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007, Martin Husemann wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 11:03:31AM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> > > [..] and, unless and until the bootloader is improved to drop the
> > > debugging symbols, it's tens of megabytes of wired kernel memory.
> > According to objdump none of the .debug* sections are marked as LOAD.
> Does "none of the .debug* sections are marked as LOAD" imply "the
> bootloader already drops the debugging symbols, so it does not use
> tens of megabytes of wired kernel memory"?
That's the idea. The loading code still has to slog through the whole=20
file, but we shouldn't need kernel memory for the debug stuff.
Take care,
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