Subject: Re: Thread benchmarks
To: Andrew Doran <>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/28/2007 22:42:08
Andrew Doran wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 02:40:28PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > It would be interesting if you could include x86 Solaris in future
> > benchmarks.
> It would be a brighter place if you stopped pushing people around and
> weren't such a deadweight. How about you benchmark it?

Andrew, there's a lot of merit in including Solaris10/OpenSolaris 
benchmarks in the
result as that's where a lot of big databases run today...numbers from 
are much more relevant in this type of measure than OpenBSD - they're 
only relevant
if we want to see want NetBSD 2.0 or older was like.

In addition to stating the CPUs, can you please include the disk 
configuration info.?
