Subject: new wscons emulation
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/12/2007 19:13:00
A couple of days ago, I got fed up with not having any wscons emulation
that wrapped both forward (print at right margin -> wrap to next line)
and backward (backspace at left margin -> end of previous line).  (Why
this was important to me is neither particularly interesting nor
particularly relevant, but it was important enough to make me do
something about it.)

So, I wrote one.  The emulation is intended to match that of mterm, a
terminal emulator for X I've been using (and intermittently working on)
since the '80s; I picked that because (a) it satisfied the primary
criterion of wrapping both ways, (b) the `terminal' is simple, and (c)
I could steal some of the emulation code from mterm itself.

It means a new file, wsemul_mterm.c, and hooks in (if memory serves)
files.wscons, wsemulconf.c, and wsemulvar.h, in dev/wscons.  Any kernel
without WSEMUL_MTERM won't even know it's there.  I'd like to commit.

Comments?  Thoughts?

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