Subject: Re: systrace and non-existent files
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/16/2007 15:44:24
In article <>,
Michael Piotrowski <> wrote:
>Last week my hard disk crashed and in the course of recovery I updated
>from NetBSD 3.0.1 to 3.1.
>I use systrace quite a lot (for running students' programming
>assignments), and after the update I noticed that some interpreters are
>now being killed by systrace and that for others lots of "deny" messages
>are being logged--while it had worked fine before. I quickly noticed
>that this was related to the handling of non-existent filenames. While
>before rules like
> netbsd-fsread: filename match "/<non-existent filename>: *" then deny[enoent]
>worked, they no longer match.
>It seems that this is the same issue as described in PR 32360 ("recent
>changes breaks systrace fswrite"). Browsing CVS, I found that this
>problem was fixed in revision of getcwd.c, but in revision
>, which is used in NetBSD 3.1, exactly this change was removed.
>Being unable to handle non-existent filenames correctly severely limits
>the usefulness of systrace for me.
>Does anybody know whether this problem will be fixed in the next
>release? Or are there any recommendations for what I could do?
>Thanks and greetings
Please send-pr this message so that it does not get lost and we'll pull
up the fix. In the meantime you can do this yourself, by applying the
fix and building a new kernel.