Subject: Re: envsys version 2 API
To: Jachym Holecek <>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/04/2007 10:55:46
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On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 11:54:58AM +0200, Jachym Holecek wrote:
> # Juan RP 2007-05-04:
> > Still more work to do, because I have plans to port sensorsd from OpenB=
> Hmm, I guess I'd prefer to monitor high/low watermark in the kernel
> (at the place sensor value is updated) and emit an event to userland
> when value is out of bounds, as opposed to userland polling like
> sensorsd does... but I didn't have much time to think about it.
I'd like a compromise. Have one daemon that polls & generates events. It=20
provides a local service, and other programs ask it to tell them when a=20
sensor gets too high or too low. That way we don't have polling in the=20
kernel, yet we don't have every single program that's interested in=20
something having to do its own polling.
Take care,
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