Subject: Re: cpu speed and temperature
To: None <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/01/2007 17:11:55
On Tue, 1 May 2007 15:16:16 +0200
Joel CARNAT <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 30 2007 - 17:53, Blair Sadewitz wrote:
> >  You should probably take the load average or CPU usage and write a
> >  script to issue the appropriate sysctl command.
> > 
> >  BTW, the ALL kernel isn't suitable for actual use.
> yeah - I noticed that as it didn't boot at all :-)
> >  You can just define options INTEL_ONDEMAND_CLOCKMOD.
> I used GENERIC plus this option.
> Find attached the dmesg and sysctl parts.
> I tried clockmod value 0 and 7 and the temperature didn't get lower
> than 52,500degC in IDLE mode.

This driver only takes effect when the cpu is not IDLE, so in IDLE
mode it won't have any effect (please search for "On Demand Clock
Modulation" to learn more about this).

To test it, run a CPU extensive application, use the lowest value
in and you'll see that your CPU will not
increase in heat (sometimes I've seen it to decrease CPU temp).
But that means that your CPU will work slower than before...

Juan RP's blog - NetBSD/pkgsrc news in Spanish