Subject: Re: yamt-idlelwp: setting curlwp in MI code.
To: Andrew Doran <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/05/2007 15:44:45
Andrew Doran wrote:
> YAMAMOTO Takashi wrote:
>> how about having set_curlwp() which can be overridden by MD definition?
> Did you envision a new place where it would be used?
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 03:13:37PM -0700, Matt Thomas wrote:
>> While I think the goal of setting curlwp in MI code is laudable, it's 
>> incomplete.  For PowerPC, I also need to set "curpcb" and "curpm" (which
>> I currently do in cpu_switchto).
> Without looking at the ppc code, elsewhere curpcb is obsolete since the
> seperate idle PCB disappears.

ppc wants curpcb for copy*.  It could get it from curlwp but it doesn't do
that right now.

> I think there should be only two places curlwp needs to be set: before
> main() is called and when switching to another LWP. Personally, I think
> it's nicer to set them in the MD code.

I don't care.  But the change to i386 should have been discussed on a list
so that other MD code owners would know to update their code.