Subject: Re: FFS fsck (was: SoC project proposal)
To: None <>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/20/2007 15:15:41
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On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 09:54:30PM +0100, Edgar Fu? wrote:
> > What do you expect to be "EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL" about it?
> > fsck time on reboot after unclean shutdown.
> Would't background fsck (on softdeps) solve that?

Kinda, kinda not.

With a journal, you play maybe 16 MB of journal data (write it from the=20
journal to disk) and you're done.

With softdeps and background fsck, you still have to read the whole disk=20
and fsck it. Sure, you're running quickly, but if you actually needed=20
something from the fixed-fs, you have to wait. You also have to slosh=20
around an amount of metadata that is proportional to the disk size, and=20
you trigger LOTS of seaks. So while your file system is mounted, it is=20
performing in a very degraded mode.

Take care,


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