Subject: Re: Patches for EST and SMP
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/17/2007 23:23:35
>>> Machine Specific Register on i386 and amd64.
>> Then could this possibly move to port-i386 and/or port-amd64 rather
>> than tech-kern?
> I'd rather it not.
> One reason is [...].
> A second reason is that, while the specific hardware in question
> applies to only a few ports, the problem at hand is VERY MI. The
> issue is how does a program running on an unspecified CPU monitor or
> vary the speed at which a specified CPU is running. We need to solve
> this problem for every SMP port.
What problem? What MI need does monitoring or varying the speed of a
cpu - the same or another - address?
On at least some MP platforms, also, the answer is "you don't". I'd
even hazard a guess that that's the answer for most of them, though
admittedly that is a guess. Certainly on the MicroVAX-II that's the
answer, and I think it's the answer on at least some sun4m SPARCs.
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