Subject: Re: Fix ".. " semantic project
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/06/2007 13:22:29
>> Perhaps this would be a good use for the sticky bit on a symlink.
> Didn't you previously suggest using the sticky bit on a symlink to
> turn on magic interpretation of variable expansions in symlinks?

Quite possibly.

> Given that the bit can't be used for more than one purpose, magic
> variable expansion strikes me as more needful of per-symlink control
> than magic ".." handling.

True.  I don't see any consensus that either one is worth doing,
though, so I'm not sure there is any real conflict.  (I think set-ID
bits would be enough more useful that I'd implement them first anyway.)

> (If I wanted magic ".." handling, I'd almost certainly want it
> globally, whereas I want per-symlink control over magic variable
> expansion.)

I'm not sure I'd want it globally, but on reflection I do think
per-symlink is the wrong granularity for it.  Per-process, maybe?

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