Subject: device attachement detection from userland
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/14/2006 09:59:18

Maybe I missed some important points, but it seems to me that removable
devices automounts in today's NetBSD can be improved. amd is a pain, and
I'd like to have something more reliable that does not hang interactive
commands because something went wrong)

In an ideal world, an userland daemon could be notified that a new
device has been attached, and do the nescessary steps for automounting
filesystems. kqueue seems the right tool for doing that, but as I
understand, that has not been done yet.

I'm willing to do the work, or help completing it. Is there anyone
already working on this? Is there any plan, or should I draft something
out of my mind?

Emmanuel Dreyfus