Subject: Re: Status report: sysmon_cpufreq(9) + powerctl(8)
To: Iain Hibbert <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/01/2006 16:04:04
On Sun, 1 Oct 2006 09:52:42 +0100 (BST)
Iain Hibbert <> wrote:
> I think when you use _IOWR then you also must use _sendrecv_ (will
> look properly in a bit, but I think both ioctls you have are IOWR?)
Right... something is wrong on my system because Quentin has sent me
a LKM/userland test and it does not work, the code works fine for him.
Anyway until it's fixed I'm using _IOWR and sendrecv... it's enough to
continue the development.
I've made more progress... now it supports two dictionary types:
CPUFREQ_TYPE_LIST (for drivers like est/powernow/longrun) and
CPUFREQ_TYPE_PERCENTAGE (acpi_throttle, p4tcc).
powerctl can change the value for any supported driver:
[juan@nocturno][~]> modstat
Type Id Offset Loadaddr Size Info Rev Module Name
MISC 0 - cdd00000 0004 cdd00284 2 type_list2
MISC 1 - cdd01000 0004 cdd01234 2 type_percentage
[juan@nocturno][~]> ./powerctl
current: 1867 MHz [1537 mV]
frequencies: 800 1067 1333 1600 1867 (in MHz)
current power: 100%
(Of course, CPUFREQ_TYPE_PERCENTAGE values can only use a value
between 0 and 100 otherwise error).
[juan@nocturno][~]> ./powerctl -d type_percentage -f 50
(type_percentage) 100 -> 50
[juan@nocturno][~]> ./powerctl -d type_percentage -f 200
powerctl: error: Invalid argument
[juan@nocturno][~]> ./powerctl
current: 1867 MHz [1537 mV]
frequencies: 800 1067 1333 1600 1867 (in MHz)
current power: 50%
Current XML structure with these drivers:
[juan@nocturno][~]> drvctl -p cpu0
Properties for device `cpu0':
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
""> <plist version="1.0">
Now I need more comments for the last driver type, it's of type
CPUFREQ_TYPE_LOWHIGH (for drivers like piixpcib/ichlpcib) and
its XML structure is:
I'm not sure if I should use integer objects rather than strings because
there will only be two values, low and high.
Any suggestion? more things to fix in the code?