Subject: Re: misc kern questions
To: Travis H. <>
From: Travis H. <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/25/2006 01:47:30
On 8/24/06, Daniel Carosone <> wrote:
> Efforts to WTFM even more welcome :)

To do that I'd have to understand it first, lest it be write-only.
Like all the software documents written by this one company... oh I
forget the name...
You ever notice their books don't even have authors?   Microserfs indeed.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Unix "guru" for rent or hire -><-
GPG fingerprint: 9D3F 395A DAC5 5CCC 9066  151D 0A6B 4098 0C55 1484