Subject: timecounters and rnd(4)
To: None <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/22/2006 11:33:58
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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There are two areas where we should look closely at how timecounters
and the rnd(4) driver could interact:
a) the rnd code presently tests for a cpu cycle counter
(__HAVE_CPU_COUNTER), and uses that if possible, otherwise it uses
microtime(). While I think continuing to use the cycle counter is
probably the right thing if present, it seems that timecounters
could have something better to offer in the microtime case at
least. This is especially true as we presently don't call
microtime while cold, and on some platforms this leaves us even
shorter of startup seeding.
b) each time we detect a new timecounter, even though we may not
actually attach it as the active timecounter, we should look at
feeding the current counter value into rnd to help seed it with
initial entropy. Perhaps also when we change timecounter
selection, as seems to happen several times through the boot
process on some machines, though perhaps that's redundant because
they change as they're probed anyway.
More generally, it's been a few years now since I last had a campaign
for adding rnd hooks into various drivers, and perhaps its time for
another. While people are reviewing drivers for powerhooks, could
they also give consideration as to whether the device has anything to
offer for rnd - especially at startup time.
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