Subject: Re: Can't lock even 4GB on system with 8GB RAM?
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/14/2006 13:42:55
In message <>,
Thor Lancelot Simon writes:
>I have an amd64 system with 8GB of RAM. I'm trying to run a memory tester,
>and find that even with the datasize, memoryuse, and memorylocked hard and
>soft limits set to unlimited, I can't mlock even 4GB.
>This seems wrong.
Hi Thor,
Did you get my equally (no, *more*) frustrated reply and patch? That
patch is, as noted, gross, but it does work for me, I've locked down 3
GiBytes in a 4GiByte socket-939 machine, after tweaking the
patch-added sysctl knob.
Adding new `pct' fields to uvmexp2 looks ... painful, and likely to break
backward binary compatibility if (as required) I grow the struct to add
a new `wiredmaxpct' value.
Simon, sysctl cross-version-binary-compatibility is mostly your brainchild;
care to comment?