Subject: Re: what's it take to get a journaling filesystem?
To: Sean Davis <>
From: Michael <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/13/2005 06:30:04
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> > > Are there any plans to write a journaling filesystem for
> > > NetBSD?
> >=20
> > LFS comes to mind. Supposedly it's usable these days ( in -current )
> > - no idea if it's usable on half a terabyte though.
> Does LFS still have problems when a partition becomes nearly full?

I distinctly remember whoever was working on it a few months ago stating
that this was fixed. Never got around to seriously play with it myself
though, I had an LFS partition on a USB drive which Just Worked but I
didn't do much more than running a bunch of benchmarks.

> > > Is anyone working on such a thing?
> >=20
> > Sun released the ZFS source, at least one developer has been playing
> > with it. The license seems to be compatible enough but I'm not
> > exactly a lawyer.
> I would be more than happy to give [that developer] root access to a
> test machine to play with ZFS, to assess its viability. Can you relay
> that message for me? :)

I'm sure he'll read this thread at some point ;)

> In the meantime, I shall play with LFS on this 15GB deathstar I've got
> that I've been meaning to wipe in any case.

Good idea, I don't have a spare drive to mess with right now ( Murphy's
law - when I have a spare drive I don't think of playing with LFS )

have fun

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