Subject: Re: free space (was /dev) on tmpfs problem
To: None <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/28/2005 06:50:39
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On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 02:05:33AM -0600, David Young wrote:
> > >         1 Set no size: the tmpfs will grow without bound, reclaiming
> > >           memory from file cache to fulfill tmpfs demand.
> > >         2 Set a size with -s in terms of a percentage of RAM.
> > >         3 Set a size with -s in terms of blocks, megabytes, ....
> > >=20
> > > I prefer #1.  Dan Carosone sent me a patch for #1 that beautifully so=
> > > the problem that began this discussion.  I would like to see it commi=

So would I, but there were objections from several folks with valued
opinions.  Are those objections still held?

I would at the least like to commit the part that reproduces the
existing calculation more efficiently.

> > Would it still be possible to use -s after you commited the patch?
> Yes.

Yes, my change doesn't affect the -s limit at all, just the free space
reporting (whether capped at such a limit or not).


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