Subject: hard kernel crash on NetBSD 2.0.2
To: None <>
From: Zeljko Vrba <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/31/2005 08:45:33
So the scenario is following:
- become root, mount FAT32 partition
- cd to that partition
I was playing a bit with the p7zip archiver, which is multithreaded and due to
some command-line options ran out of memory, but with a very strange message
(invalid argument to system call).
Then I tried to ktrace it to see which system call is at fault, and the machine
froze on me. Crashed HARD. Today when I came to work I saw the following thing
on the console:
uvm_fault(0xd72a3c0c, 0, 0, 1) -> 0xe
As for kernel DDB, I have these options in the kernel:
options DDB # in-kernel debugger
options DDB_ONPANIC=1 # see also sysctl(8): `ddb.onpanic'
DDB didn't start. I could do just hard reset.