Subject: Re: non-standard way to capture network traffic
To: Vlad GALU <>
From: Zeljko Vrba <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/25/2005 08:14:07
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Vlad GALU wrote:
>  Since NetBSD uses an unified cache for I/O and VM, your disk writes
> would get delayed a bit, no matter what way you write to your
does this happen even if using raw device (/dev/ld0x ?) I was planning
to use large (2 GB) in-memory buffer in a ring fashion, with parallel
writing to disk from another thread.

> the trick. As for compression, hmm, depends on what you want to write
> (plaintext output or binary packet headers) and the amount of written
I'll be compressing just binary packet headers. it's faster both for
writing and subsequent processing.

> data. No one can give you exact figures. It's up to you to test and
> decide.
I've searched google for measurements, but came up with nothing. I can't
believe someone didn't already perform the benchmarks. Maybe I just
can't use google properly :/

thanks for the advice :)

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