Subject: vm.filemax and cached file pages
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/05/2005 21:04:41
(I originally sent to netbsd-help a few days ago. I add some more details 
below. Please carbon-copy me on replies.)

vmstat -s says:

   10312 cached file pages

which is 40MB for me and top(1) also says "40M File".

I have 128 MB.

I set vm.filemax almost two hours ago:

   vm.filemax = 1

I have 45MB or more of swap being used.

Why isn't that 40MB cached file going down? I want to use real physical memory 

I also have:

vm.anonmin = 10
vm.execmin = 5
vm.filemin = 0
vm.maxslp = 20
vm.uspace = 16384
vm.anonmax = 80
vm.execmax = 19
vm.filemax = 1
vm.bufcache = 15
vm.bufmem = 10001408
vm.bufmem_lowater = 2503680
vm.bufmem_hiwater = 20029440

(This is NetBSD/i386 2.0.2.)

Today, I have 14389 cached file pages and 54924 KBytes used swap space.

What can I do to not use as much swap? As far as I know, I don't need to 
do all this file caching.

Please carbon-copy me on replies.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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