Subject: Re: SoC: NDIS
To: Jachym Holecek <>
From: Alan Ritter <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/28/2005 16:55:31
> After your LKM hooks itself into autoconf(9), you could hopefully use
> pcirescan(), which is exported through struct-cfattach:ca_rescan and
> available to userland via drvctl(8) tool (sys/kern/kern_drvctl.c
> implements the /dev/drvctl interface). I didn't verify this scenario
> though...

Thanks, this sounds usefull, I'll look into it.

> FWIW, I'd probably start with a statically compiled version and LKMize
> the framework later on.

This might be a good idea.  Ideally it would be nice if it could be
compiled into the kernel, or as an LKM.