Subject: Re: Melting down your network [Subject changed]
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/28/2005 20:04:51
In message <200503290344.WAA06821@Sparkle.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>,
der Mouse writes:
>> That's the whole point: what you are doing *is* harmful.
>To whom?
As I have said elsewhere: Emmanuel's appiclation is potentially
harmful to _any_ innnocent third party who reads Emmanuel's misleading
description, downloads this distributed-denial-of-service application
and innocently runs it on _any_ network which is not _entirely_
dedicated to running Emmanuel's distrinbuted-denial-of-service (DDOS)
application for information-dissemination purposes.
You can, if you wish, add suitable text to cover for networks which
have unicast IP connectivity, but where IP-multicast connectivity is
suitably quaraninted.
>> I used the word 'evil' advisedly and literally. It may may even well
>> be a crime or liable under civil law, in some jurisdictions.
>What jurisdiction would criminalize redlining your own network?
But what about: On anyone else's network?
As I have said elsewhere, I want Emmnauel to remove his application
from pkgsrc, making it truly private. Then he can do whatever he wants
with it.
As a fallback, I would probably settle for having his pkgsrc
application described as what it is: an non-rate-adaptive,
non-congestion-responsive application which deliberately *tries* to
melt down whichever network it is run on. While I guess it can be
used as an information-dissemination tool, on a completely dedicated
network, it is more accurately described as a DDOS tool.