Subject: Re: Missing ppi(4) docs?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/20/2005 01:51:12
On Feb 20,  6:07pm, (Berndt Josef Wulf) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Missing ppi(4) docs?

| > Someone needs to import ppi.c and ppi.h too. It looks straight forward,
| > but I don't have hardware to test this.
| thanks Christos. Please ignore my previous email since your reply supplied the 
| answer.
| BTW: I noted a major device number appears to be reserved for the ppi device:
| majors.i386:device-major        ppi             char 104                ppi
| So, there may already be someone working on this.

I don't think so. Jaromir would be the one to working on this, but I think that
the best thing would be for you to give it a shot. It does not look too bad.
