Subject: Re: memory based root filesystem
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/11/2005 11:31:46
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On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 10:39:27AM -0800, Kamal R. Prasad wrote:
> Why does the system panic saying there is no init and
> then stop in init? Do we need an /sbin/oinit and
> /sbin/init.bak too in the crunch file?

You do not need those other files, they are backups for testing a new=20

> Pasted below is info about the panic.
> -------------------------------
> root on md0a dumps on md0b
> mountroot: trying ffs...
> root file system type: ffs
> cpu_lwp_fork: 0xc0732a1c 0xc2a4207c 0xc0732a1c
> 0xc0732a1c
> l1->procaddr=3D0xc01ed000 l1->procaddr->u_pcb=3D0xc01ed000
> pid=3D1 pmap=3D0xc07366c8
> l2->procaddr=3D0xc2a46000 l2->procaddr->u_pcb=3D0xc2a46000
> pid=3D0 pmap=3D0xc07366c8
> cpu_lwp_fork: 0xc0732a1c 0xc2a420f8 0xc0732a1c
> 0xc0732a1c
> l1->procaddr=3D0xc01ed000 l1->procaddr->u_pcb=3D0xc01ed000
> pid=3D1 pmap=3D0xc07366c8
> l2->procaddr=3D0xc2a48000 l2->procaddr->u_pcb=3D0xc2a48000
> pid=3D0 pmap=3D0xc07366c8
> cpu_lwp_fork: 0xc0732a1c 0xc2a42174 0xc0732a1c
> 0xc0732a1c
> l1->procaddr=3D0xc01ed000 l1->procaddr->u_pcb=3D0xc01ed000
> pid=3D1 pmap=3D0xc07366c8
> l2->procaddr=3D0xc2a4a000 l2->procaddr->u_pcb=3D0xc2a4a000
> pid=3D0 pmap=3D0xc07366c8
> init: copying out flags `-s' 3
> init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
> exec /sbin/init: error 8

Error 8 is ENOEXEC. Since it's not error 2, ENOENT, your /sbin/init was=20
there but something was wrong with it. Its 'x' bit is set, isn't it?

Take care,


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