Subject: Re: Ehci/Umass bug ?
To: Frank Kardel <Frank.Kardel@Acrys.COM>
From: Vincent <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/23/2004 13:04:46
Hi again,
Frank Kardel a écrit :
> My failure pattern is:
> Install device in ehci port
> Read succeed at reasonable speed (~6Mbyte/sec)
> newfs -2 /dev/sd0a show the CSW error messages
> USB to that device stalls
> unplugging doesn't clear up the situation
> -> reboot
Well, I tried the key with a conventional Windows USB2.0 PC, the key
works fine both in read and write, therefore I tentatively presume the
key unguilty. I've also cycled through several big reads/writes on a USB
1.1 port with my NetBSD 2.0RC4 machine, all right. The problem seems to
be only in USB 2.0 writing. As if some cycles were lost. I'll try
recompiling a kernel with the suitable debug traces enabled.
Thx for all,