Subject: devfs, was Re: ptyfs fully working now...
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/12/2004 16:13:26
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On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 10:07:12AM -0800, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> Hi Christos,=20
> A question: consider the security-paraonid (or change-resistant
> troglodytes, if you prefer) amongst us who would rather "Just Say No"
> to anything that smacks of devfs, and would rather statically
> preconfigure everything, existing pty warts and all.

What do you have against devfs? Are your objections against devfs in=20
general, or against a specific implementation (or implementations :-) ?

I ask as I really want us to have a devfs, however I've had a HUGE=20
objection over time, and that is that the permissions on nodes need to=20
persist across reboot. I suspect that this is your objection, however I'm=
not a mind reader and thus I'm not sure. :-)

My concern has been that we want device permissions to persist across=20
reboot, and preferably across variations in configuration order. Jason's=20
work on wedges has been one step in this direction, in that certain=20
partitioning schemes name partitions. If we bind the device partitions to=
the name, then we do not need to worry as much about device config order,=
and devfs seems much safer. We can extend this pattern to bind to other=20
devices too, though some devices may be more problematic than others.

Take care,


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