Subject: Re: pthread/LWP oddity/bug? 27023 related?
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/07/2004 11:32:50
Reinoud Zandijk writes:
> in my testing of one of the LWP problem-reports i am working on i ran the
> attached program that creates about a 100 threads that each wait for a
> specified signal... and got the following `output' :
> ....
> load: 2.53 cmd: testing 4574 [sawait sigwait] 0.21u 0.62s 0% 1584k
> load: 2.53 cmd: testing 4574 [sawait sigwait] 0.21u 0.62s 0% 1584k
> load: 2.97 cmd: testing 4574 [sawait sigwait] 0.21u 0.62s 0% 492k
> assertion "next != 0" failed: file "pthread_run.c", line 130, function "pthre
> ad__next"
> ...
I can replicate this too. It seems to be related to PRs 20001,
20519, and 20783.
Greg Oster