Subject: Re: eliminating curproc from NFS
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/21/2004 14:57:54
In message <>, writes:

>fyi: I eliminated curproc from my newer NFS server code that can be
>ftp'd from I haven't done a NetBSD port,
>but I suspect the FreeBSD5.2 and OpenBSD3.4 ports would be a good
>starting point.
>I haven't looked at the client side, rick

Hi Rick,

Thanks very much for the pointer.  As I think I mentioned late last
year, I'm eventulaly hoping to get rid of process context altogether
for the NFS server side, using some alternate notification mechanism
(like kconts) instead of [lt]sleep/wakeup and the associated
scheduler/context-switch penalties.

Is your new NFS server code nfsv4, or merged nfsv3/v4, or what?
I havent a lot of time to port it right now, but I'm interested
and will contact you out-of-band

thanks again,